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Summer Colours; the June Art Challenge has begun!


With time to kill, you still have a mystery to solve...

Result 14 - Part 2, out now!
Read the Random Adventure and vote now on what happens next.

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Ameronis' To-Do List (Updates)

Here you can have a look at my current list of projects; Generators and site updates that I'm currently working on as well as ones that I intend to wo rk on.

Check below for the colour key. For the list of NEW Generators I plan to build, and ones that have been requested, check out the Generator To-Do list here.

Main Gen to-do list
NamePlanned WorkLast Activity
RanGen's DunGen Development---
Plot Gen (New) Build11 Months, 5 Days ago
Animal Companion Build2 Months, 8 Days ago
Terrain Gen Add More Terrain types4 Months, 20 Days ago
Pregnancy Update2 Months, 2 Days ago
Species Upgrade + Update2 Months, 8 Days ago
Law Optimise Output?5 Months, 10 Days ago
Gens overdue for an update
??? Generator Build4 Months, 15 Days ago
Plot Gen (New) Build11 Months, 5 Days ago

Main Focus

This item is a large project that will likely take several months to finish. Potentially so big, it might even need to go on hiatus at times in order for me to make progress elsewhere.

High Priority

These items are my current active projects and ones I hope to have finished within a few weeks of starting them. Continued work on news, Major Upgrades and Site Fixes usually fall into this category.

Medium Priority

Updates to existing popular Gens and new content for recently released Gens will usually be listed here. Work is done on these when major progress has been made on the High Priority Gens.

Planned Work

Upgrades to lesser-used Gens, non-site-breaking visual issues and stuff I'd eventually like to implement are listed here.

General Updates

These Gens are overdue to receive new variables to increase the amount of descriptions they can output and to keep things fresh. This is done as and when there is spare time, or if I have a bunch of variables to add all at once.

Gens I'm currently messing about with (9)
NameRecent WorkLast Updated
Decision ---1 Month, 27 Days ago
Animal Companion Build2 Months, 8 Days ago
??? Generator Build4 Months, 15 Days ago
Terrain Gen Add More Terrain types4 Months, 20 Days ago
Pregnancy Update2 Months, 2 Days ago
Law Optimise Output?5 Months, 10 Days ago
Species Upgrade + Update2 Months, 8 Days ago
Country ---3 Months, 24 Days ago
Plot Gen (New) Build11 Months, 5 Days ago

ALL GENS (54 In Total)

NamePlanned WorkLast Activity
Fantasy NameMore Regional Styles1 Month, 16 Days ago
Drink---1 Month, 16 Days ago
FamilyUpdating2 Months, 3 Days ago
Decision---2 Months, 3 Days ago
Animal CompanionBuild2 Months, 8 Days ago
Fantasy Race---2 Months, 9 Days ago
Appearance---2 Months, 10 Days ago
Quick Characters---2 Months, 11 Days ago
Number---2 Months, 16 Days ago
Meal---2 Months, 16 Days ago
Dice---2 Months, 18 Days ago
SSB:U Character Selector---2 Months, 20 Days ago
Vehicle---2 Months, 20 Days ago
Tavern Name---2 Months, 20 Days ago
RanGen's DunGenDevelopment2 Months, 21 Days ago
Brand---2 Months, 21 Days ago
Plot Device---3 Months, 7 Days ago
Evil Location---3 Months, 7 Days ago
First Encounter Gen---3 Months, 7 Days ago
Planet---3 Months, 22 Days ago
Medicine Name---3 Months, 23 Days ago
Quick NameMore Unisex names3 Months, 23 Days ago
??? GeneratorBuild4 Months, 15 Days ago
JourneyFix mobile speed selector issue4 Months, 20 Days ago
Magical Artifact---4 Months, 20 Days ago
Magic Weapon---4 Months, 20 Days ago
Terrain GenAdd More Terrain types4 Months, 20 Days ago
Colour Gen---4 Months, 23 Days ago
Novel Title---4 Months, 23 Days ago
Traits and Quirks---4 Months, 23 Days ago
Poison---4 Months, 23 Days ago
Motive---4 Months, 23 Days ago
Murphy's Law---4 Months, 24 Days ago
Awkward Moments---4 Months, 24 Days ago
Writing Prompt---4 Months, 24 Days ago
CityAdd more detailed stats + selections4 Months, 24 Days ago
Super Power Gen---4 Months, 27 Days ago
PregnancyUpdate5 Months, 7 Days ago
Archetype---5 Months, 7 Days ago
LawOptimise Output?5 Months, 11 Days ago
Solar System---5 Months, 16 Days ago
Personality---5 Months, 16 Days ago
SpeciesUpgrade + Update6 Months,
Country---6 Months, 7 Days ago
Love Interest---7 Months, 3 Days ago
Job---7 Months, 3 Days ago
Fantasy Race Mixer---7 Months, 19 Days ago
Plot Gen (New)Build11 Months, 5 Days ago
Plant---11 Months, 26 Days ago
Currency---1 Year, 11 Days ago
ContinentSimple Map Outline???1 Year, 3 Months, 17 Days ago
Pet---1 Year, 3 Months, 18 Days ago
Weapon---1 Year, 5 Months, 7 Days ago
Plot Gen (Old)Redevelopment4 Years, 10 Months, 6 Days ago

Come on a Random Adventure!

Result 14 - Part 4 out now!

↓ Read the latest chapter here ↓

Prime time at Stardust

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Welcome to RanGen, a space that offers writing prompts and inspirational bursts creators of all shapes and sizes. I'm your host, Ameronis, and I'll be happy to take you on a wonderful, magical journey with the help of my many Gens.

Whether you're a writer, script-maker, artist, role-player, game-maker, or just someone looking for some fun, I'm sure you'll find a ton of interesting suggestions, from the inspiring and artistic, to the silly and downright baffling. If you're ever stuck for ideas, or are looking for seeds of inspiration, then RanGen is the place for you!

Looking for a place to get started? Why not try this randomly chosen Gen?

Got a question that's not answered in the FAQ? Have a Gen request that's not already on my Gen to-do list? Found a site problem that's not resolved by testing in another browser or clearing your cache? Or perhaps you just want to say hello? Let me know here, or message me on your preferred social media platform below!

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