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With time to kill, you still have a mystery to solve...

Result 14 - Part 2, out now!
Read the Random Adventure and vote now on what happens next.

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September Update – RanGen Still Lives!

It’s been a while, and dust has been gathering in some spots (as usual) but rest assured, RanGen is still very much alive and kicking! I still have plenty of work to do, many Gens to update, upgrade or complete, and even more new ones to create. However, I haven’t been completely idle these past few months; I’ve been making sure to add a little grease to the joints of the Gens here and there, and adding more content and making minor updates behind the scenes; did you notice any of the new content?

And neither have YOU been idle. Thank you all so much for your continued enjoyment and support of the site! There have been lots of emails and comments on the Gen pages, likes and follows on Twitter and Facebook, and even new patrons and followers on Patreon! And more people have been switching off their ad-blockers when visiting the site, which is a huge help, so thank you all for that too!

People have be asking for updates for particular Gens,  and others have been missing the Writing Challenges, so lets address those topics shall we? The first is the Plot Generator, which is currently unfinished (and has been for the last, like, 83 years or something…), but is appreciated quite a lot nonetheless. I have several specific genres and sub-genres I’d like to add to it, but I’m not sure which ones I should prioritise; what genres do most people who visit RanGen work with?

Currently, the Plot Generator features full plot ideas for a general Action/Thriller story, and the beginning of a plot for general Fantasy and general Romance stories (both of these are unfinished). The 5 main genres I intend to have in the completed Gen are: Action, Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Sci-Fi, and for each one there are to be sub-genres. (If enough people request them, I can add other main genres after that). So, the question is:

Which genre should I focus on for the Plot Generator first?

I can add more content or sub-genres to the Action option, finish working on Fantasy or Romance, or start working on the new Horror or Sci-Fi options. The Gens are here to help you, so let me know what you really need!

To have your say, please take a moment to vote for the genre you’d like to see worked on first in the straw poll below, or if you’re on mobile or can’t see it, click here to visit the straw poll directly.  But! Remember that ALL of these will be added in time, this is just a question of scheduling and prioritising for the first one.

Don’t forget to vote, and keep an eye on the results. And while we’re waiting for the results to come in, why not keep yourself busy with a new September Writing Challenge?

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Come on a Random Adventure!

Result 14 - Part 4 out now!

↓ Read the latest chapter here ↓

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Welcome to RanGen, a space that offers writing prompts and inspirational bursts creators of all shapes and sizes. I'm your host, Ameronis, and I'll be happy to take you on a wonderful, magical journey with the help of my many Gens.

Whether you're a writer, script-maker, artist, role-player, game-maker, or just someone looking for some fun, I'm sure you'll find a ton of interesting suggestions, from the inspiring and artistic, to the silly and downright baffling. If you're ever stuck for ideas, or are looking for seeds of inspiration, then RanGen is the place for you!

Looking for a place to get started? Why not try this randomly chosen Gen?

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